


With LILLÅNGEN series you can make use of every square centimeter of your bathroom.
It includes wash-basins in three widths, cabinets with different functions and colours and open shelves that allow you to use every area.

With the LILLÅNGEN series your tiny bathroom will be bigger than ever, in no time!


Elle Interior Designpris 2012
The wash-basin has a built-in shelf along the back on which to perch your bottle of handsoap or toothbrush holder without them falling off.

It also comes with matching accessories in stainless steel such as a soap dish, towel rack and tray. They can all be attached to the edge of the wash-basin, which saves even more room.
1. Step avoids objects falling inside the sink
2. Hooks for hanging towels
3. Tray for solid soap: drops fall inside the sink
4. Chopping?? area tray
The 20x20 cm module is a highly versatile solution that aids in configuring compositions of vanity base cabinets and wall-mounted cabinets with mirrors. Since the basins come in dimensions of 40, 60, or 80, the module expands the options, providing solutions to varying needs. It allows for easy and quick access to the deeper areas of the cabinets.
The 60x25 washbasin is perfect for smaller bathrooms without sacrificing comfort and the usability of hooks.